Making the switch is something that every single person will do differently. Each one of us is unique. From our personal experience, what we can offer you is one main piece of knowledge we have acquired: The key to going natural is understanding that the process is going to take time.

Here are 5 tips to help get you started on your natural journey!
1. Don't Throw Everything Out: Of course you can switch to an all-natural products in one day. You can throw out every non-natural product you own… but I don’t feel that this is the way to do it. It’s similar to the idea of going on a crash diet in order to prep yourself for an upcoming party — it might work short term, but you’re likely to soon go back to the past ways. If you want to truly make a change to your lifestyle, do it slowly, one step at a time.
2. Replace products as you run out. Start by choosing one thing to switch. Once you’re comfortable with that, move on to switching out the next product that runs out. Body soap and shampoo are probably the first few items that you can replace. This way, your body can get used to each change one by one, you can slowly learn how your body reacts to different products — and alter them until you find what works best for you, and the change won’t be such a shock to you overall.
3. Buy in small sizes. This helps weed out the products that you don't like. Check for trial or travel sizes even if you have to buy them. Only splurge on full size products that you absolutely LOVE and know you will use.
4. Learn to read labels. Look past pretty bottles, ignore miraculous marketing claims and go directly to the ingredients! Just because a company says its “healthy,” “100 % natural,” “pure,” “botanical” or “organic” doesn’t mean that it actually is.
5. Learn how it is made. Once you get comfortable with the few new natural products that you have switched, you can start making tiny alterations to the products you’re using, tweaking ingredients to get them to be exactly how you want. Suddenly you’ll find yourself concocting your own unique creations that are formulated just for you.

Where to buy natural handmade soap?
We're a group of people trying our humbly best to contribute a tiny part to the nature and health. We have curated cold-process soap recipes made from plant-based ingredients and 100% pure essential oil. Choose from our range of cold-process soaps available.

Learn to make handmade soap!
Come say hello to us at our cosy studio! Get hands-on experience in our soap making classes. Learn to make natural soap from scratch at our Basic Cold-Process Soap Making class for all beginners. You can choose between making Liquid Soaps (Most Popular!) or Bar Soaps to start your soap making journey.

You will get to learn the basic knowledge of CP soap making and natural ingredients, hands-on experience of making your own handcrafted soaps, useful tips for making CP soap such as the correct way of handling lye and making lye solution.
Once you have learned the basic knowledge of soap making, you can progress on to other soap making classes.

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